Address: Kalamazoo Nature Center 7000 N Westnedge Ave Kalamazoo, MI 49009
Countie(s) trail is located in: Kalamazoo
Trail Type(s): Hiking
Trail Measurement: Trail: 0.5 Miles & Area: over 1,100 acres
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The Prairie Pathway is located in the Kalamazoo Nature Center in Kalamazoo County, Michigan.
Prairie Pathway (0.5 mile) Easy walk along fields to a restored prairie. The prairie is awash with color from May through September. Big bluestem and other grasses tower over lead plant, spiderwort, black-eyed susans, purple coneflower, butterfly milkweed, and other prairie flowers. These unique plants attract myriad butterflies and other insects. Insect-eating and seed-eating birds also find plentiful food here.
References and More Info
- None
- Compass Latitude: 42°21’48.7″N
- Compass Longitude: 85°35’24.8″W
- Numeric Latitude: 42.363532
- Numeric Longitude: ‘-85.590209
- Elevation in Feet:
- Elevation in Meters:
- Trail Measurement: Trail: 0.5 Miles & Area: over 1,100 acres
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