Address: Hiawatha Trail Michigan
Countie(s) trail is located in: Alger
Trail Type(s): Snowmobile
Trail Measurement: 18 Miles
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The North Hiawatha Trail runs from the Forest’s northwest boundary, near Rock River, to M-94 south of Christmas. At M-94 it connects with the east-west running Coal Wood Grade ORV Trail. North, at Rock River, the North Hiawatha Trail connects with a trail that leads west near M-28 towards Marquette.
- Trail Measurement in Miles: [ecpt_field id=”trailmeasurement”]
- Compass Latitude: [ecpt_field id=”compasslatitude”]
- Compass Longitude: [ecpt_field id=”compasslongitude”]
- Numeric Latitude: [ecpt_field id=”numericlatitude”]
- Numeric Longitude: [ecpt_field id=”numericlongitude”]
- Elevation in Meters: [ecpt_field id=”elevationinmeters”]
- Elevation in Feet: [ecpt_field id=”elevationinfeet”]
References and More Info
- UP Trails
- Compass Latitude:
- Compass Longitude:
- Numeric Latitude:
- Numeric Longitude:
- Elevation in Feet:
- Elevation in Meters:
- Trail Measurement: 18 Miles
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