Michigan Hiking Trails Calculator | Michigan Biking Trails Calculator

Address: Leota OHV Trailhead Parking Lot Jonesville Rd Harrison, MI 48625
Countie(s) trail is located in: Clare <> Missaukee <> Roscommon
Trail Type(s): ATV/ORV/OHV <> Snowmobile
Trail Measurement: 55.4 Miles
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The Leota Trail is a trail located in Michigan.

Hiking in Michigan Books

Book cover of Backpacking in Michigan
Book cover for Gentle Hikes of Upper Michigan
Book cover for 50 Hikes in Michigan
Book cover for 50 Hikes in Michigan's Upper Peninsula
Book cover for Hiking Michigan's Upper Peninsula
Book cover for Waterfalls of Michigan

References and More Info

  • None
  • Compass Latitude:
  • Compass Longitude:
  • Numeric Latitude:
  • Numeric Longitude:
  • Elevation in Feet:
  • Elevation in Meters:
  • Trail Measurement: 55.4 Miles


2 responses to “Leota Trail”

  1. richard a frazier Avatar
    richard a frazier

    is the leota trail closed for hunting season

    1. I’m not sure. There is a discussion on this at this facebook group. You can call the Michigan DNR at Phone: 989-275-5151 Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

      Lisa Morse
      Someone told me that they close the trails for hunting season. Is that true? I wouldn’t think so and I hope not as we plan to ride this weekend. Leota and St. Helen. TIA

      Matthew Marshall
      I’ve been told 11 to 2. That was my plan for tomorrow.

      Bill Lewis
      November 15-30 during daylight hours, closed.

      Abs Williams
      Hunting restrictions start November 15th! Ride on this weekend 🙂

      Matthew Nelson
      Not during bow season just gun but limited riding during gun

      Kylie Fancon Stanley
      You should join us tomorrow for Fall color/Ride for Roxanne

      Darryl Spicher
      Only during gun season

      Ron Musial
      Gun season only

      Brad Hale
      You can ride, drive on all roads year round. This includes seasonal roads that many of the orv trails and snowmobiles use.

      Ted Calab

      Steve Baginski
      only gun season 11-2, send it otherwise

      Lisa Morse
      Thank you everyone for all the information

      Benjamin Horton
      November 15-30. Only on state land. Can only ride from 11am-2pm

      Susan Albright
      I was on them Thursday. Didn’t see any notice. Just sayen.

      Rodmen Dexter
      They don’t close them But..There is certain Hours you can Ride..DNR will give you a ticket

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