Address: Fitzgerald Park 133 Fitzgerald Park Dr Grand Ledge, MI 48837
Countie(s) trail is located in: Eaton
Trail Type(s): Cross Country Skiing <> Hiking <> Sledding/Snow Tubing
Trail Measurement: 3 Miles
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Migrant Indian tribes led by the famous Chief Okemos called this area “Big Rocks.” They came here in early spring to tap the sugar maples. Later, the beauty of the ledges and woods attracted the Grand Ledge Spiritualist Camp Association, which, in 1894, established a summer campground and erected the large pavilion which still stands. Thousands of spiritualists came here for summer encampments until the turn of the century. In 1919 the city of Grand Ledge bought the property and named it Riverside Park. The pavilion was used for dances, roller skating, and basketball. During World War II it housed a factory. This park’s name commemorates Grand Ledge native governor Frank D. Fitzgerald, who died in office in 1939. The pavilion was refurbished as a summer theater by the Grand Ledge Improvement Association in 1955.
References and More Info
- Compass Latitude: 42°45’34.9″N
- Compass Longitude: 84°45’45.3″W
- Numeric Latitude: 42.7596827
- Numeric Longitude: ‘-84.762595
- Elevation in Feet:
- Elevation in Meters:
- Trail Measurement: 3 Miles
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