Zippie's Ski Trail

AuTrain River Trail

Countie(s) trail is located in: Alger
Trail Type(s): Canoe/Kayak
Trail Measurement:
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The slow-moving, meandering AuTrain River offers an excellent four to six hour canoe or kayak trip. The trail begins at the Forest Service boat launch in the AuTrain Lake Campground and proceeds north approximately 10 miles to Lake Superior

The AuTrain River was once a logging run to Lake Superior. Logging began along the river in 1861; Major logging occurred in the 1880’s. The largest logging drive took place in 1887 when 10 million feet of Pine logs were floated down the AuTrain.

Now, an absence of rapids and portages creates a quiet, relaxing outing. Numerous sloughs along the water course harbor a large variety of wildlife including ducks, songbirds, great blue herons, kingfishers, muskrats and turtles. Walleye, perch, suckers and bullheads inhabit the river year long. Steelhead make a spring run and salmon a fall run.

Access Points:

Access A: Located on AuTrain Lake at the Forest Service boat launch, approximately 5.5 miles south of the village of AuTrain. Do not use this access point or try to canoe or kayak the lake when strong north winds are blowing.

Access B: Located at the southern bridge where H-03 crosses the AuTrain River, approximately 1.5 miles south of the village of AuTrain.

Access C: Located at the northern bridge where H-03 crosses the AuTrain River.

Note: There is only 1/2 mile walk along H-03 between Access B and Access C, and also between Access C and the Bridge on M-28. This makes for easy access to vehicles

Canoe and Kayak Safety:

  • Wear a life preserver while canoeing.
  • If your canoe capsizes, stay with it and hang on.
  • Pack your food, bedding, clothing and matches in waterproof bags and tie them in the canoe or kayak.
  • Spring weather in the Upper Peninsula changes quickly. Pack extra warm clothing even if you are planning only a one-day trip.
  • Leave a trip plan with a friend describing your route, destination and approximate time of arrival.
  • Be a courteous, considerate canoer.

Report all sightings of eagles, loons and osprey to the District Ranger.

Canoes are available for rent from resorts along AuTrain Lake.

References and More Info

  • UP Trails
  • Compass Latitude:
  • Compass Longitude:
  • Numeric Latitude:
  • Numeric Longitude:
  • Elevation in Feet:
  • Elevation in Meters:
  • Trail Measurement:


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