Zippie's Ski Trail

Au Train Songbird Trail

Countie(s) trail is located in: Alger
Trail Type(s): Hiking
Trail Measurement: 3 linear Miles
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The Au Train Songbird Trail is an excellent bird watching site. Some of the many species you may encounter include swallows, shorebirds, gulls, and waterfowl. The interpretive trail on this site allows visitors to interact with songbirds in their natural habitat. By renting a cassette player/tape at one of the stores in Au Train (A&L Grocery and Au Train Grocery), visitors can learn about and possibly communicate with 20 species of birds common to the area. The trail passes through uplands and forest, along a stream corridor and a bog, and provides access to an observation platform that surveys a shallow bay of Au Train Lake and its surrounding wetlands.

Wildlife Viewing

The Au Train Campground and Songbird Trail are excellent areas for spring birding. In May and June, it is possible to view more than a dozen species of warblers, including the magnolia, black and white, Connecticut, Nashville, Wilson’s, and bay-breasted warblers. From the observation platform, watch for bald eagles, ospreys, waterfowl, and many different kinds of shorebirds, including killdeer, greater yellowlegs, American bittern, and spotted, least, and solitary sandpipers.

Portions of this area are open to public hunting. Contact the michigan department of natural resources for affected seasons and locations.


From M-28 in Au Train, turn south onto County Road H-03 (Forest Lake Road/Forest Road 2278) and drive about 4.5 miles to Forest Road 2276. Turn left (east) and continue about 1/2 mile to the campground access on the left side of the road. Take the first campground loop to the right and follow it to the trailhead near campsite #11.

References and More Info

  • DNR
  • UP Trails
  • Compass Latitude:
  • Compass Longitude:
  • Numeric Latitude:
  • Numeric Longitude:
  • Elevation in Feet:
  • Elevation in Meters:
  • Trail Measurement: 3 linear Miles


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