Address: 42.211408, -86.171067
Countie(s) trail is located in: Van Buren
Trail Type(s): Cross Country Skiing <> Hiking <> Mountain Biking <> Snowmobile
Trail Measurement: 14.4 Miles
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End Points:
- 42.211408, -86.171067
- 42.376027, -86.278348
The 14-mile-long Van Buren Trail runs between South Haven and Hartford. This multi-use trail has a dirt and gravel surface. Parking is available at the Hartford trailhead located on Prospect Street across from the High School. The South Haven Trailhead located on Lovejoy does not offer to park. The trail may also be accessed via a spur from Van Buren State Park.
From I-94, take Hartford Exit N. 2 blocks past the first stoplight and take left on Prospect St. for 2 blocks.
The main entrance to the Trail State Park is through Van Buren State Park. Go 3 miles south of South Haven to the dead-end of Ruggles Road. Ruggles Road is accessed either by old Blue Star Hwy. (A2) or County Road 380. Both Blue Star (A2) and CR 380 are intersected by M-140 and M-43. The nearest freeway is I-196 and the park entrance is signed from exit 13.
The ski trail is not groomed.
Dirt or gravel surfaced multi-use trail that runs between Hartford and South Haven. Birders and hikers will find this a pleasant place. The DNR currently provides only emergency maintenance services and seeks governmental agencies to operate and maintain its linear park trails.
Snowmobile Area – Allowed with 4″ of snow or more on the ground.
If you have information about this trail please fill out the Add/Edit Trail form.
References and More Info
- Compass Latitude: 42°12’41.1″N
- Compass Longitude: 86°10’15.8″W
- Numeric Latitude: 42.211408
- Numeric Longitude: ‘-86.171067
- Elevation in Feet:
- Elevation in Meters:
- Trail Measurement: 14.4 Miles
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