Zippie's Ski Trail

Valley of the Giants

Trail Map

Address: Valley of the Giants Leland, MI 49654
Countie(s) trail is located in: Leelanau
Trail Type(s): Hiking
Trail Measurement: 6.9 Miles
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The Valley of the Giants – The Southwestern corner of South Manitou Island is home to some of the largest White Cedars in Michigan. These trees are over twice as large as the average size of White Cedar. The trail loops through this area, so you can get a good appreciation for the size and number of these trees. It is a mystical walk. Some say that these trees were spared because their bark is infused with wind-blown sand, and the lumbermen didn’t want to have to continually resharpen their saws, which they had to do by hand. This hike is about 0.3 miles beyond the turn-off to the Shipwreck of the Morazan.

If you have information about this trail please fill out the Add/Edit Trail form.

References and More Info

  • Compass Latitude: 45°00’17.5″N
  • Compass Longitude: 86°08’51.9″W
  • Numeric Latitude: 45.0048725
  • Numeric Longitude: ‘-86.1477362
  • Elevation in Feet:
  • Elevation in Meters:
  • Trail Measurement: 6.9 Miles


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